Allyn Hoang
Allyn was born in Dallas, Texas on 2 April 1988. Her age is 34. age, and is part of the Aries Astrological constellation. She's of American descendance. Allyn is yet to reveal her parents' names or other details. However, it is known that there is a sister who's name isn't something we know. Hoang shared a picture of her and her sister on Instagram in December 2013. Instagram in December 2013. Her parents, she said were immigrants to America, but they had only a few dollars and left her and her sister everything they could. Allyn Hoang is among the most well-known and popular television show hosts. Because of her abilities as a host, Hoang is able to claim a spot within American TV History. Emmys were also awarded to her for journalistic excellence. Allyn also took part in beauty pageants, and later capable of hosting on television. Then, in the future, she even volunteered as a volunteer with the Salvation Army for their fight against hunger. Hoang was just a teenage...